With all the diet pills and other weight loss programs on offer it can be tempting to think that there is no natural way to lose belly fat. This couldn't be further from the truth. The only long term solution to toning up is through adopting a healthy eating and exercise program. Everything else from weight loss surgery to quick faddy diets is a waste of your time.
In addition to doing sits ups, lose belly fat by being careful with what you eat. You should eat little and often aiming to have up to six small meals a day. This will accomplish a number of things not least avoiding bloating and cravings, two things that can put off even the most determined dieter. Obviously you cannot graze on candy or cakes but will have to follow a sensible eating plan.
Take time to enjoy your food rather than grabbing a quick TV dinner in front of your favorite show. Cooking your own food rather than relying on processed meals will help you to lose pounds. Taking your time and savoring every mouthful will help you to lose weight as well as you are far more likely to stop eating when you are full rather than just finishing what is on your plate.
Drink plenty of water as our brains often confuse hunger with thirst. If you have recently eaten but still feel hungry try drinking a glass of non carbonated filtered water. You will often find that the "hunger pangs" go away as you quench your thirst. Don't drink a lot with your meals though as the water will dilute the digestive juices, slowing down the whole digestion process and causing waste retention which can lead to gas and bloating.
Steer clear of empty calories when trying to lose stomach fat. These are found in alcohol and fizzy drinks. They have no nutritional value and will play havoc with your plan for firm abs. Having some self control and learning to say no to some of your favorite foods will help you lose tummy fat. We can all fall in bad habits such as having biscuits every time we have a cup of tea. Cutting out these small snacks will help to reduce your overall calorie intake and thus help you to drop pounds.
But all of the above is worthless unless you start increasing the amount of physical activity you do. You need to take up weight training in order to firm up those abs. You need to increase the amount of aerobic exercise as well to increase your overall fitness level but also to help you tone up your whole body and not just the belly area. Speak to the trainer in your local gym about the areas of your body that you particularly want to change and he will help you to develop a workout to target these. Given some time and motivation you will find that the natural way to lose belly fat is the best albeit it might not be the quickest!
The answer to how to lose weight quick is simple. You need to burn stored calories or reduce calorie intake or maybe even a combination of the two. It all depends on how much weight you have to lose and by when.
Roughly 1lb of body fat equates to 3500 calories so in theory for every 3500 calories you burn you will lose 1lb. Now before you go on a starvation diet, you should know that your body is clever and will do a lot to preserve your life. So if it decides that you are in fact starving, it will cut the calorie reduction to prevent you losing more weight hence why starvation diets do not work in the long term. You should aim to lose 2lbs a week but at the start you will probably lose more than this particularly if you have a lot of excess pounds.
In fact the only proven way to lose pounds and more importantly keep them off is to change your whole lifestyle. You need to reduce the amount of poor calories you are eating and increase the amount of physical activity in your life. A combination of aerobic exercise and weight training will work best although not on the same days. You need to alternate between the two. Any form of aerobic exercise helps so do whatever you enjoy rather than one recommended to lose calories. The more fun you have when trying to lose excess pounds, the more successful you are likely to be.
You need to cut out big meals from your diet, instead switching to four or five healthy meals a day. This will help to increase your metabolism thus burning calories faster. It will also help to reduce cravings and snacking which has caused many a would be dieter to fail.
Another element to losing weight quickly is to get your mindset geared for success. If you approach the task with the view of not another diet that won't work, then you will be proved right. In fact it is probably best to remove the word diet from your vocabulary as it probably makes you feel deprived just thinking it. Instead decide you are on a healthy eating plan.
From today there are certain foods that you must stop eating. This includes all ready meals, diet drinks, candy, deserts, cake and white foods such as pasta, rice and bread. Wholegrain breads are good for you to eat at breakfast time as they contain essential vitamins and minerals. Always eat breakfast as your body has been starving while you were sleeping and will be craving food. Increase the amount of fruit and vegetables you eat but eat the actual pieces rather than juicing to keep sugar highs to a minimum.
If you need to lose some weight fast for a special occasion go on a seven day detox plan. This will entail drinking pure juices or water for the first couple of days and then gradually adding in certain foods such as brown rice and raw vegetables. Fennel, Watercress, Dandelion leaves and Parsley are all great vegetables and herbs to include in your diet when you are detoxing. Be sure to get plenty of rest as well as you may feel a little under the weather as the toxins start to leave your body and you find your answer to how to lose weight quick.
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